Isa Chen

Full-Stack Web Developer and Web Designer

Sidra Data Platform

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Sidra is a solution for enterprise data-lake systems. Companies generate a massive amount of data every second, and none of it goes to waste. It is stored, tracked and mined for information. Sidra provides a way to store this information in a transparent manner so it can be accessed, tracked, analysed and understood.

To this end, the Sidra management UI enables users to view their data in a way that makes key information easily available. It also enables users to edit meta-data so that the information can be understood by other humans. It displays details like server location, connections between providers and entities, advanced filtering and real time notifications. Check out its capabilities in the Sidra Docs.

sidra-documentation The sidra documentation page

Tech Stack

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • MobX
  • SCSS

My Responsibilities

I worked on the user dashboard, which had to display a large variety of data. It also had filtering capabilities, and the ability to edit information relating to the stored data. Some things I worked on:

  • Dynamic grid with variable columns
  • Modal for complex filtering of entities and providers
  • Live edit component for entities
  • Page for realtime notifications implemented with SocketIO
  • Map showing server locations

When I started on this project, there was a lot of legacy code. There were many bugs due to changing specs over time and a lot of technical debt. I was also responsible for fixing these bugs, refactoring code and re-organising the CSS to make components more reusable.